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(Head Office) – NSW
Unit 6/20-22 Foundry Road
Seven Hills, NSW, 2147. Australia
Tel: (+61) (0)2 8825 6222
Fax: (+61) (0)2 8825 6299
Email: sales@ipacsolutions.com.au
Victorian Office
Factory 14, Cave Hill Industrial Gardens
Beresford Road, Lilydale VIC 3140
Tel: (+61) (0)3 9735 8888
Fax: (+61) (0)3 9735 8899
Email: sales@ipacsolutions.com.au
Queensland Office
Unit 4b, 10 Valente Close
Chermside QLD 4032
Tel: (+61) (0)7 3256 4444
Fax: (+61) (0)7 3256 4199
Email: sales@ipacsolutions.com.au
No.968 Guanghua Road, Xinzhuang
Industrial Zone, Shanghai, P.R.C
PS: 201108
Tel: (+8621)61451188
E-mail: info.eurotherm.cn@watlow.com
P.T. Nego Teknindo (Nego Group)
Komplek Perkantoran Kramat Center Blok A No. 10
Batam 29432
Contact: Mr. Fence Daniel
Tel : (+62) 778 423236, 425998, 426651
Fax : (+62) 778 423855
Email: negotek@indosat.net.id
Nihon Weidmuller Co Ltd
11F, Asahiseimei-Fuchu Bldg,
1-14-1 Fuchu-cho, Fuchu-Shi,
Tokyo Japan 183-0055
Contact: Hiroshi Yazawa
Tel: (+81) 42-330-7891
Fax: (+81) 42-330-7895
Email: yazawa@weidmuller.co.jp
140 Nongsu-R,
Kihung-Eup, Youngin-Si,
Kyunggi-Do, 449-901, Korea
Tel: (+82) 31286-8507
Fax: (+82) 31287-8508
Email: info.eurotherm.kr@watlow.com
New Zealand
Drives & Controls New Zealand Ltd
No 5 , The Orchard Business Centre
41 Smales Road
East Tamaki, Auckland
New Zealand
Tel: (+64) 9 272 4420
Fax: (+64) 9 272 4421
Email: sales@dcnz.com
Kenda Technologies Pte Ltd
67 Loyang Way,
Singapore 508757
Contact: Ms. Wenn Tan
Tel: (+65) 6543-1183
Fax: (+65) 6543-1182
Email: kensales@singnet.com.sg
Lumax International Corp., Ltd.
Electrical Appliance Division, Dept. III
7th Floor, 52, Sec. 3, Nan-Kang Road
Taipei, Taiwan
Contact: Mr. Paul Lee, Mr. Roger Lin
Tel: (+886) 2-2788-3656
Fax: (+886) 2-2782-7369
10F-2, 20 Da-Long Road, TCC Building
Taichung, Taiwan
Contact: Mr. John Han, Mr. Stan Pai
Tel: (+886) 4-3295957
Fax: (+886) 4-329584
Eurotherm Gmbh
Contact: Wolfgang Obereder
Phone: +43 1798 7601
Fax: +43 1 798 7605
E-mail: Wolfgang.Obereder@watlow.com
Eurotherm AB
Contact: Bjorn Lindqvist
Phone: +46 40 384 500
Fax: +46 40 384 545
E-mail: bjorn.linqvist@watlow.com
Eurotherm AB
Contact: Bjorn Lindqvist
Phone: +46 40 384 500
Fax: +46 40 384 545
E-mail: bjorn.linqvist@watlow.com
Eurotherm Automation SA
Contact: Christophe Leman
Phone: +33 478 664 500
Fax: +33 478 352 490
E-mail: christophe.leman@watlow.com
Eurotherm Regler Gmbh
Contact: Gerhold Ruhs
Phone: +49 6431 2980
Fax: +49 6431 298 119
E-mail: gerhold.ruhs@watlow.com
Eurotherm AB
Contact: Bjorn Lindqvist
Phone: +46 40 384 500
Fax: +46 40 384 545
E-mail: bjorn.linqvist@watlow.com
Eurotherm AB
Contact: Bjorn Lindqvist
Phone: +46 40 384 500
Fax: +46 40 384 545
E-mail: bjorn.linqvist@watlow.com
United Kingdom
Tempcon Instrumentation Ltd.
Phone: +44 (0)1243 558270
Fax: +44 (0)1243 558288
E-mail: info@tempcon.co.uk
F.P. Israel Sales & Services Ltd.
18 Galgalei Haplada
P.O. Box 400
Herzliya 46103 Israel Contact: Elon Karassik
Tel: 972 52 521 666
Fax: 972 52 58340
Telex: 341954
Industrial Technical Services Ltd.
320 Building 2
Panorama Centre
Baja Ghanzanfar Ali Road
Karachi 4 Pakistan
Contact: Shahab Dewan
Tel: 92 21 523 485
Fax: 92 21 722 951
Telex: 25271 DEEN PK
Telex: 25271 DEEN PK
Weidmuller Electronic Ticatet Ltd.Sirketi
Kore Sehitlericaddesi 34/1
80300 Zincirlikuyu
Istanbul Turkey
Contact: K. Bayram
Tel: 90-212-273-0830
Fax: 90-212-267-2038
Saudi Arabia
Key Communications Dev. Co. Ltd
P.O. Box 37 King Saud Street
Dammam-31411 Saudi Arabia
Contact: S. Krishnan
Tel: 9663 8336 940
Fax: 9663 8330 728
Invensys India Pvt. Ltd.
T (+91 22) 67579800
F (+91 22) 67579999
E info.eurotherm.in@watlow.com
Eurotherm India Private Limited
Ground Floor, Tamarai Tech Park
SP Plot# 16-20 & 20A
Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate
Inner Ring Road,Guindy
Chennai – 600 032
T: +91 44 44240000
F (+91 44) 2225 5666
E info.eurotherm.in@watlow.com
Eurotherm in Ashburn, Virginia, offers sales, support and repair services for Eurotherm Controls, Eurotherm Chessell, Action Instruments and Continental Industries in North and South America.
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