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Company: Equipment manufacturer specialist in heat treatment of bulk solids and gasesIndustry: Food & BeverageCustomer Group: OEMProject / Application: Electrical heating and control optimizationCustomer...
Company: Specialists in control and automation solutionsIndustry: Energy Generation from Recycled WasteCustomer Stream: OEMProject / Application: Heating ControlCustomer Challenge: Stable heatingFeatures, Solutions & Services Provided:Precision...
Food and beverage – pasteurizationCompany: Manufacturer of automated transit solutions for the agri-food industryIndustry: Food & BeverageCustomer Group: OEMProject / Application: Tunnel pasteurization –...
Compact Autoclave – Food and Beverage Company: Food processing machine manufacturerIndustry: Food & BeverageCustomer Group: OEMProject / Application: Compact autoclaveCustomer Challenge: Find most cost effective solutionFeatures,...
Hot rolled and forged steel platesCompany: Producer of hot rolled and forged steel platesIndustry: Heat TreatmentCustomer Group: End UserProject / Application: Furnace automation control...
Heat Treatment – Simulation of Ultra High temperature FurnacesCompany: Production and research of high tech furnace systems for production of boron...
Company: Designer and supplier of glass melting technologyIndustry: GlassCustomer Group: Manufacturer, System IntegratorProject / Application: Boosting system based on water-cooled power equipmentCustomer Challenge: Customer needed...
Company: Electrical power companyIndustry: EnergyCustomer Group: End UserProject / Application: Water treatment plantCustomer Challenge: System availability important, while controlled from a remote locationFeatures, Solutions &...
Company: Machine manufacturer specializing in Life SciencesIndustry: Life Sciences, Laboratory MachinesCustomer Group: OEMProject / Application: Addition of control on centrifuge machineCustomer Challenge: Provide control solution...
Oven Controller refurbishment Company: Automation system providerIndustry: Heat TreatmentCustomer Group: System IntegratorProject / Application: Oven controller refurbishment – replace six high maintenance oven controllers with E+PLC100...
Electrical Tracking / Tank ControlCompany: Printer of plastic film and food productsIndustry: Food & BeverageCustomer Group: End UserProject / Application: Electrical tracking / tank...
Company: Heat treatment automation providerIndustry: Heat TreatmentCustomer Group: System IntegratorProject / Application: Oven controller refurbishment for heat treatment of aircraft fasteners – replace old...
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