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Our very own CEO of Watlow®, Rob Gilmore, recently joined Doug Glenn, publisher of Heat Treat Today, on Heat Treat...
Control Temperature and Carbon Potential in Metal Heat Treatment FurnacesThe purpose of this application note is to describe how the...
Metal Heat Treatment Furnaces ApplicationThe purpose of this application note is to describe how the nanodac recorder/controller may be used...
Traditionally carburising is carried out against a timed setpoint profile where the time periods for the different temperature/carbon stages are...
Annealing is a process in which metals, glass and other materials are treated to render them less brittle and more...
Atmosphere carburizing controlCarbon control and integrated carburizing systemsChoose from a range of control solutions designed to help you achieve:Surface hardness...
OPTIMISE THE HEAT TREATMENT FURNACE CONTROL PROCESSGas Carburising Process is a surface chemistry process, which improves the case depth hardness...
Atmosphere Probe DiagnosticsSooting AlarmBy careful analysis of the furnace temperature and carbon potential it is possible to determine when the atmospheric conditions are such...
The three general equipment classifications for thermal processing equipment are:batch,semi-continuous,and continuous.Classification used depends upon the scope of production and the...
Process Description (540-620degC 1000-1150degF)Remove stress, soften the material (steel) or increase the materials strength (synthetic material)Typical MaterialsCopper, steel, aluminum, titanium...
Types of applicationsAtmosphere (batch & continuous)Vacuum (batch & continuous)Furnace StyleBoxPitMechanized box (integral quench)BellSalt bathGantryTip-upCar-bottomMesh-belt conveyorCast-link conveyorRoller hearthFurnace StylePusherWalking beamRotary drumRotary...
Blast FurnaceThe blast furnace area provides the raw material for steel-making. Iron produced in the blast furnace contains a high...
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