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Helping deliver an efficient and secure process
Maintain high standards of production quality and help ease your cybersecurity worries
EPC3000 programmable controllers deliver fast acting precision control. This helps to maximize yield at high quality with products that are built to last.
Reduce equipment costs and increase efficiency
“The performance of this controller is impressive and the certification for Ethernet robustness will help our cybersecurity strategy and give peace of mind for the future”
System integrator, India
Precision control begins with the measurement circuitry. The EPC3000 measurement system has excellent thermal stability and outstanding noise rejection for this class of controller. High sampling rate, automatically adapting to input type, delivers rapid, precise, repeatable control performance.
Proven over many years of use, the Eurotherm PID algorithm used in the EPC3000 delivers industry-leading response time to setpoint change or process disturbance. The speed of response means time and energy is not wasted waiting for operating temperature to be reached, while minimizing the overshoot and oscillations common in many PID implementations.
Repeatable control increases process yield and OEE while reducing scrap. High precision measurements allow tight process tolerances to be met easily. With a longer design life and three-year warranty as standard, the Eurotherm EPC3000 controller will help deliver high quality production batch after batch, year after year.
By automatically reducing power demand near the setpoint the Eurotherm cut back feature significantly minimizes overshoot which reduces waste and optimizes energy usage. This lowers the risk of parts not reaching operating temperature or overheating.
Ramp rate controls the rate of change to setpoint, keeping the material within specified temperature limits, minimizing damage and distortion in the final product. A holdback “Guaranteed Soak” function enables material to reach the required temperature before the process advances.
“This solution has simplified our process, and operation is so easy – the display presents only the parameters the operator wants to see, all the other parameters are locked away under password protection”
Leading aerospace manufacturer Quality Manager
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