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Bath Roof HeatingThe multiple zones of a tin bath roof require a huge electrical heating system that takes care of...
1. Characteristics of silicon carbide heating elements:1.1 ConstructionSilicon carbide is a ceramic material with relatively high electrical conductivity when compared...
Think about the futureWhen choosing a boosting solution for your glass furnace, you need to look ahead 15 to 20...
Reinforcement fibre glass manufacturing requires a high temperature stability of the draw-plate to ensure good quality of the wire, one...
Making bushing control ‘green’Last year, René Meuleman, Stanley Rutkowski and Martin Moeginger discussed how improving the design of a transformer...
By the time we start to fell confident with what we have, we need to be aware that there is...
AbstractThere are of course physical limitations to the interesting and ongoing commercial strive for higher glass furnace pull rates. One...
René Meuleman, Stanley Rutkowski and Martin Moeginger consider how to improve the efficiency and profitability of bushing positions by smart design...
The focus on achieving better energy efficiency in glass manufacturing has led to the development of a ground breaking collaboration project...
Following the purchase of Invensys Eurotherm by Schneider Electric earlier this year, senior management representatives discuss the change of ownership...
An intriguing conversation with a container glass manufacturing customer led to discussions between Eurotherm colleagues on the possibility of zero...
Ashley Taylor, Finance Director at Eurotherm, discusses the long-term challenge faced by cost approvers when investing in power control solutions.Working...