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Hydrogen or Electrical Power for a Greener Glass Industry

René Meuleman and Lois Holman discuss the options and challenges involved in reducing the glass industry’s carbon footprint. Is hydrogen...
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ContaminExpo 2025, March 25/27, 2025 | Paris, France

Meet us at ContaminExpo 2025the contamination control and cleanrooms exhibition and conference Paris Porte de Versailles, Hall 2.2Booth #E46...
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The Factory of the Future: Watlow® Previews Groundbreaking EPM Platform at SPS 2024

St. Louis, MO – Watlow®, a leading provider of industrial technology and thermal systems, will preview its revolutionary Eurotherm® branded...
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Watlow® Announces Launch of New Prime Distributor Program Across Europe

St. Louis, MO – Watlow®, a leading provider of industrial technology and thermal systems, is excited to announce the launch...
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Un enfoque único para el lazo térmico

Ha pasado poco más de un año desde la adquisición de Eurotherm® por Watlow®, que diseña y produce sistemas térmicos...
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How to Bring the Brains to Thermal Loop? A Discussion with CEO Rob Gilmore | Heat Treat Radio

Our very own CEO of Watlow®, Rob Gilmore, recently joined Doug Glenn, publisher of Heat Treat Today, on Heat...
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Soluciones de lazo térmico: una vía para mejorar el rendimiento, la sostenibilidad y la conformidad en el tratamiento térmico

Las soluciones de lazo térmico para el tratamiento térmico ofrecen varias ventajas para la sostenibilidad, como la reducción del consumo...
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Semiconductor Fabrication PECVD Processing Solution

Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) processingThe process we describe here is specifically the diffusion and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD)...
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Semiconductor Fabrication Dry Etch Processing Solution

Dry Etch processing challengesDry etching can also be known as plasma etching and it is the process of removing a...
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Watlow® Completes Acquisition of Eurotherm

St. Louis, MO – Watlow®, a designer and manufacturer of complete industrial thermal systems, is pleased to announce that it...
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EurothermSuite™ integrated with AVEVA™ 2020

Eurotherm® is pleased to announce EurothermSuite™ is now integrated with AVEVA™ 2020 R2 P01 software.The software is available through new...
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Eurotherm Data Reviewer V4.1.0

Eurotherm® se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de Eurotherm Data Reviewer V4.1.0. Esta versión, junto con V4.0.0, proporciona las siguientes...
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