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Press Release: 18 January, 2018
Eurotherm has thrown down the gauntlet to other power controller suppliers with the launch of its new range of EPower Controllers. From the hardware to the software, every part of EPower Controller design has been driven to meet today’s three fundamental customer requirements: flexibility, efficiency and peace of mind.
In terms of hardware flexibility, a common driver module is used across the whole EPower Controller range. For OEMs, distributors and end-users this minimizes the need for stocking spares while making both set-up and training simple.
For maximum versatility, the single driver module supports up to four power modules. The result is the ability to support seven different load configurations. Initially the power modules come in four sizes – 100A, 160A, 250A and 400A – with additional versions due to be released soon.
Further flexibility is provided by a series of options that allow additional modules to be plugged into dedicated slots for extra I/O or digital communications. Connectivity with PLC, SCADA, or DCS systems is straightforward with support for common industrial protocols such as Profibus, DeviceNet, Modbus TCP/IP and Modbus-RTU.
For its part, software flexibility is based on five major attributes: the devices come preconfigured for “out-of-the-box” use via the order code; firing mode, current and voltage adjustments are straightforward; configurable I/O; Input mode; and Alarm setting.
In other words, every function can easily be configured, tuned, adjusted or changed. All this without a single switch or jumper: everything can be achieved via Eurotherm’s PC-based iTools software or the controller’s front panel display.
Great efficiency is guaranteed by virtue of the EPower Controllers’ simple and practical configuration. For example, by using iTools customers can easily check the status of parameters, make changes or diagnose the unit either on a test bench or even live in the field without disturbing the process.
Another reason behind this great efficiency is the market leading level of performance that EPower Controllers bring to the market, for example control modes such as power, current and voltage come with +/-1% or better measurement accuracy.
Then there is Predictive Load Management (PLM), one of the EPower Controllers’ key features. The most powerful load management function on the market, PLM guarantees a host of important benefits including: power demand optimization, no phase angle disturbance and drastic reduction of total harmonic distortion, energy saving, no costly power spikes, and cost savings as a result of more compact dimensions than other solutions.
Added to all this is full compliance with international standards, an alarm strategy that inspires total confidence, simple repair and maintenance, and ease of integration with both Eurotherm and other solutions. Integration of power controllers into complex network architectures has never been so easy.
Overall, therefore, users of EPower Controllers will enjoy enormous benefits, such as: quick and easy commissioning; improved product reliability with fast maintenance; multiphase configuration that reduces both cost and size; PLM; true engineering measurements combined with remote displays; and a cost-effective engineered solution with all the know-how of Eurotherm behind it.
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