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As mentioned in an article by Clare Goldsberry (published July 12th, 2013)
“Being an automotive supplier has always had its rewards and punishments, but reaching for the rewards, particularly for the smaller Tier 2 and 3 suppliers such as molders and mold manufacturers, has increasing risk. We’ve seen what has happened in the past when small companies play in the same sand box with the big dogs. And it ain’t pretty.”
Some molders have taken an “all in” approach in the past and invested heavily (and not always wisely) into new machinery to stay up with the pace needed to meet supply demands. When the tide changed they were left with no work and high payments thus putting a strong and sometimes devastating financial burden on themselves.
What’s the alternative if you want this business without mortgaging yourself out of business? Control retrofits!
Many companies are now seeing the benefits of updating their ‘older’ control systems in order to increase returns from their Injection, Blow and Extrusion Equipment with better reliability and performance.These engineered systems from Eurotherm Solutions and our many globally located independent installers allows them to select a standard MACO® Compact controller and apply it across the entire range of different makes and models of machines regardless of age, make or model for a fraction of the cost of new machinery.
Spend wisely and see your company grow!
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