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In the food industry there is a requirement to measure the response time of temperature probes.
This test is specified as part of a calibration procedure. The probe is typically a Pt100 sensor.
The test is performed by inserting the probe into a cold medium (e.g. iced water) and then inserting into a hot medium (e.g boiling water). The time it takes for the measured temperature to pass between two temperature setpoints is then measured.
The temperature band over which the test is performed can vary. In this example there are five test bands:
1. 65.0 to 72.5 °C
2. 70.0 to 81.0 °C
3. 85.0 to 92.0 °C
4. 125.0 to 132.0 °C
5. 129.0 to 136.0 °C
Existing solutions are often based upon a PLC. The 2074 offers a much smaller and more portable solution.
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