All-electric melting is inevitable – Why wait?
The glass industry is playing a waiting game in the move to all-electric melting technologies. René Meuleman provides some justification...
Hydrogen or Electrical Power for a Greener Glass Industry
René Meuleman and Lois Holman discuss the options and challenges involved in reducing the glass industry’s carbon footprint. Is hydrogen...
Process control specialist supports innovation
In 1965 Eurotherm, a small company specialising in temperature controllers, opened in the UK. Today, the company is recognised worldwide as...
We need vision!
Rene Meuleman, former Global Glass Industry Technical Leader at Eurotherm, considers the glass industry’s need for visionary leadership and benchmarks...
Improving cybersecurity in industrial control systems for glass production
Cybersecurity is no longer a secondary requirement in the industrial controls’ world. In a glass manufacturing operational technology environment, completing...
Optimizing energy in electric boosting and melting systems
Mikael Le Guern explains how installing power boxes close to furnace electrodes can help glassmakers to benefit from improved energy...
Decarbonization through process electrification and digitalization
The glass industry currently faces three main challenges to reach zero carbon manufacturing. The first is meeting decarbonization targets, driven...
Hardware, software and people-ware
Established in 1974 with its first projects in the glass industry dating back to the 80s, Eurotherm Italy is part...
Empowering the evolution of the glass industry
In March 2021, a veteran of Eurotherm by Schneider Electric for 20 years, former Global Glass Key Account Manager Mikael...
High efficiency bushing control systems for glass fiber production
In order for the glass industry to meet its decarbonization goals, legacy fossil fuel fired processes will need to transition...
Will Japan’s hydrogen strategy help carbon neutrality goals?
The mass production of container glass in Japan started in 1916, when Nippon Glass bought a Michael Owens automatic bottle...
A question of balance: sustainability and profitability
The global glass industry is entering a new age of green manufacturing in which it needs to bring its total...