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Updated 17/May/2022
As an integral component of the lifecycle management for Eurotherm offers, there is an expectation to manage offers proactively and purposefully from conception to end-of-life, including reactively responding to situations where (uncontrolled) external factors force otherwise unplanned obsolescence.
The offer is currently available to purchase.
Offers are now entering planned obsolescence. Customers should consider proposed alternatives as identified on the relevant web pages, or place last time buy (LTB) orders covering immediate and foreseeable future demand, subject to stock availability.
Offers are no longer produced at this stage but continue to be supported by Eurotherm Service organizations.
Alternative offers, where possible, are identified on the web page for the requested offer. Please contact Customer Support for any assistance.
The Eurotherm Service organizations no longer has stock of parts/spares to continue supporting the offer.
Alternative offers, where possible, are identified on the web page for the requested offer. Please contact Customer Support for any assistance.
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