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The 3216 has been successfully implemented as a Chiller controller in the USA plastic market.
Please see the list of selling features below:
1. The model 3216 has a 90 mm depth that has allowed chiller manufacturers to have easy installation.
2. The text display on the 3216 makes it easy for anyone to use or configure the controller. A user can scroll to a parameter and in a few seconds, the text display begins scrolling in marquee fashion with a description of that parameter.
3. Ordering, configuration and maintenance have been simplified to the use of a mere 10-digit code that completely specifies the functionality and configuration.
4. Custom alarm and Event Messages can be created and loaded into the 3216.
5. A timer can be used to put the unit into standby while the system is purged. Most OEMs use an external timer today. The 3216 can replace the external timer.
6. Digital Communication is also a needed feature when selling to Chiller OEMs.
The most compelling reason for a chiller in the plastics market is the protection it provides for your valuable processing equipment—such as extrusion, injection molding equipment and other applications. A chiller commonly represents a small fraction of the cost of the processing equipment, yet it provides solid protection of your investment, 24-hours-a-day, and 7-days-a-week for years and years to come. Another reason would be to increase production as you maintain a constant and proper cooling temperature in the equipment. A chiller will reduce the number of rejected parts while increasing the number of parts produced per hour.
A chiller is a compressor based cooling system that is similar to an air conditioner except it cools and controls the temperature of a liquid instead of air. The other main components to a chiller are a temperature controller, a recirculation pump and a reservoir. Operation and setup is simple. Fill the reservoir with fluid to be recirculated, typically water or an ethylene glycol/water mix. Install plumbing between the chiller and the application and provide power to the chiller. The controller regulates the chiller’s functions. The chiller will provide a stable temperature, flow and pressure once it has been programmed by a user for their individual needs. Harmful particles are kept out of the system by an internal strainer.
There are three types of chillers.
A portable chiller is a liquid cooling system on casters that can be relocated from one application to another with relative ease. It can be used to cool one or more heat generating devices.
Second, is an air-cooled chiller where the chillers absorb heat from process water and can be transferred to the surrounding air. Air-cooled chillers are generally used in applications where the additional heat they discharge is not a factor. They require less maintenance than water-cooled units and eliminate the need for a cooling tower and condense water pump. They generally consume approximately 10% more power than a water-cooled unit as a wet surface transfer’s heat better than a dry surface.
Last, we have water-cooled chiller these chillers absorb heat from process water and transfer it to a separate water source such as a cooling tower, river, pond, etc. They are generally used for large capacity applications, where the heat generated by an air-cooled chiller creates a problem. They are also considered when a cooling tower is already in place, or where the customer requires optimum efficiency of power consumption. Water- cooled chillers require condenser water treatment to eliminate mineral buildup. Mineral deposits create poor heat transfer situations, which reduce the efficiency of the unit.
The 3216 is being used more and more to consolidate functions and replace several interconnected devices to chillers. The level of functionality, programmability and alarming gives the user a way to create a local custom alarm strategy that can best achieve the operating safety of the machine that will help minimize downtime and improve quality.
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