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Eurotherm is pleased to announce that, further to the previous communication, the offers in bold below have now also been released with enhancements for cybersecurity robustness:
Cybersecurity is no longer a secondary requirement in the industrial control’s world. Eurotherm considers cybersecurity to be as important as safety or high availability.
Today, many control systems use open or standardized technologies such as Ethernet TCP/IP to reduce costs and improve performance. Many systems also employ direct communications between control and business systems to improve operational efficiency and manage production assets more cost effectively. This technical evolution exposes control systems to vulnerabilities previously thought to affect only office and business computers. Control systems are now vulnerable to cyberattacks from both inside and outside of the industrial control system network.
Consequently, many industrial control users are embarking on cybersecurity initiatives. Meanwhile, governments around the world are under pressure to address the ever-increasing cybersecurity threat and there is an increasing demand for governments to introduce regulation.
For further information about cybersecurity, please refer to HA032968 – Cybersecurity Good Practices Guide.
Supporting Documentation
HA033523U001 nanodacTM Recorder / Controller
HA033523U002 6000 Series Paperless Graphic Recorder
HA033523U005 EPack compact SCR Power Controller
HA033523U007 EPC3000 Programmable Controller
HA033523U006 EPC2000 Programmable Controller
HA033523U010 T2750 PAC Programmable Automation Controller
HA033523U011 T2550 PAC Programmable Automation Controller
HA033523U012 Eycon Visual Supervisor
HA033523U009 versadac™ Scalable Data Recorder
HA033523008 E+PLC Range
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